The design system supports SVG based icon libraries. All icons are used an inline SVG embeds.
Library - browse
Library - browse
Library - @TODO - Add link to AirDesigns Design System in figma
You need to include the custom PHP functions for working with the SVG icons - "_functions.php"
Including this file will provide a new function for rendering an icon - get_icon().
The function can be called with following parameters:
get_icon($icon, $library, $width = null, $height = null, $class = null, $style = null)
In figma create a custom 32x32 icon
Donload it and process it via svgomg
Place the optimized svg file in \assets\icons\custom
Icons are always a solid, monochromatic color and need to pass the same color contrast ratio as typography (4.5:1).
There should be no fill="" attributes in the svg file
carbon - default size - default color
carbon - custom size (48) - default color
carbon - custom size (64) - custom color (primary)
carbon - custom size (16) - custom color (gray) - custom style (margins)
bootstrap (bricks) - default size - custom color (primary-light)
custom (food) - default size - custom color (primary-light)