When addign a text color you can use class "text-opacity-75" in order to get 75% rgba text color from the used color; Example.
"text-opacity": (
css-var: true,
class: text-opacity,
values: (
10: .1,
15: .15,
20: .2,
25: .25,
40: .4,
50: .5,
75: .75,
100: 1
When addign a background color you can use class "bg-opacity-10" in order to get 10% rgba text color from the used color; Example:
"bg-opacity": (
css-var: true,
class: bg-opacity,
values: (
10: .1,
15: .15,
20: .2,
25: .25,
40: .4,
50: .5,
75: .75,
100: 1